When undertaking an effort like Next Generation Parish, it’s important to have a clear understanding of one’s overall purpose, direction and motivation. To align internal efforts and communicate externally, Pastoral Council, with direction from the Holy Spirit, documented Sts. Martha and Mary’s Purpose, Vision and Mission. These statements, outlined below, are the foundational themes guiding our NGP project and our daily walk as parishioners of Sts. Martha and Mary.
Through our love of Jesus Christ and one another, we will draw closer to Him and share in his Mission of Salvation
We are a Roman Catholic parish joyfully journeying toward holiness and salvation. Inspired by Martha's heart of hospitality and service and Mary's spirit of prayer and discipleship, we invite all to join us in centering our lives around Jesus Christ in Word, Sacrament, and Community.
A joyful Roman Catholic parish, with members actively engaged in all aspects of parish life, inspired and equipped to share the faith. All will feel welcomed to worship and serve, generously sharing their time and talents to enrich our faith community.