Like any critical initiative, our Next Generation Parish (NGP) effort needed prioritization. As the saying goes, we can’t boil the ocean, so Pastoral Council asked the Implementation Team to focus on three priorities driven by input from the 2023 parish survey. Essentially, the NGP priorities are based on what you asked us to focus on.
Please review the priorities and prayerfully discern if the Holy Spirit is tapping your heart to get involved. Each priority has a leader and an engaged team working together to bring our NGP to life. If you would like to join a team, please reach out to the contact listed below.
As caretakers of the faith, maintaining a vibrant parish for our children to strengthen their relationship with our Holy Father in heaven is our duty. After all, their eternal salvation is at stake.
To meet people where they are on their faith journey and help them to grow deeper in knowledge so that they will be equipped and inspired to live and share the Good News.
Rationale: We cannot love that which we do not know. Growing in knowledge of God and His Church will form a foundation for parishioners to grow in their love of God and neighbor.
To teach, foster and increase prayer as our spiritual foundation.
Rationale: Every personal relationship requires communication and prayer is how we talk with Christ and grow in our connection to Him. Just as Jesus taught His disciples to pray, we must provide support and guidance in the deepening prayer life of our parishioners because it is more challenging than a face-to-face relationship.
To strengthen community and the parish experience through hospitality, personal invitation, ministry participation and relationship building.
Rationale: Inspired by our Patronesses, who welcomed Jesus into relationship, and were seen, known and loved by Him we extend this personal invitation to others. Their involvement will make them feel nurtured, supported, seen, known and loved in our parish family. They will then desire to share this joyful experience with others.
Thank you and God bless!
-Your NGP Implementation Team