Excerpts from my Homily of 8-19-18 If someone asks you, “Why do you stay in the Catholic Church?” after the previous week, you might look at what the Apostles experienced in the life, betrayal, trial and passion, death and resurrection of Christ, to find an answer.
Congratulations once again to John and Norenne Krzan on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. May you have many happy years ahead! We wish Deacon Mingwei Li a safe journey back to school and success this semester in Seminary. Deacon Ming will be back here at the parish around the Christmas season.
Hello St. Richard Parish! I will be here in replacement ministry until your new administrator arrives in October. Some have termed what I will be doing as “babysitting a parish”. This is somewhat true; as a good babysitter I have all the important phone numbers to call if there are any problems or misbehaving. The staff is also working on converting the comfort room to be a “time out” room for all ages. (just kidding).
Oremus pro invicem! I’ve been concluding this column with this simple Latin phrase for the overwhelming majority of my tenure at Saint Richard. It was a fairly common phrase around the seminary, but out here in the real world, it’s not used as often as it should be. So, as a refresher: it’s translated as, “Let us pray for one another!” As I finish my time here at the parish, it seems to be a phrase worth reflecting on.