I love Holy Week. I really do. But man, is it busy. It’s more than just busy, though; it’s intense. The readings and prayers for the first few days of the week are poignant enough, but once Thursday morning rolls around, things get really serious. We start with the Chrism Mass at the cathedral, at which all of the priests of the Diocese will renew the promises they made at their ordination. The Bishop will also bless and consecrate all the holy oils to be used throughout the Diocese during that Mass, which always helps make concrete the reality that the Diocese isn’t a collection of churches but is, in fact, one Church. That night, we’ll celebrate as a parish family the institution of the Eucharist at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, and then we’ll have an opportunity to visit our Lord in the Eucharist at seven different churches as we remember the agony he endured in the garden.