It’s not too late to volunteer for the annual parish fish fry! Adult and student (grade 6 & above) volunteers are needed every Thursday to prepare food (adults only), pre-pack take-out side dishes and set up the dining room in Farmer Hall. Adult volunteers are needed on Friday afternoon to prepare food and pre-pack take-out side dishes. Adults and students are needed every Friday evening to serve dinner, welcome guests, take orders, pack take-out orders, and assist with the curbside pick-up lanes. All volunteers must pre-register and are assigned specific duties.
Please return this form no later than Monday, February 13. No experience needed! Training sessions will be held on Sundays, February 12 at 1:00 pm and February 19 at 2 p.m. in Farmer Hall at St. Catherine of Sweden Church for all Friday volunteers. Please consider supporting the Fish Fry by sponsoring one of our many items or placing an ad on our placemats. Sponsor and advertising information can be found on the reverse side of the volunteer registration form. Please return sponsor and advertising information by Monday, February 13.