In the words of his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, "music has the power to lead us the Creator of all harmony, creating a resonance within us which is like being in tune with the beauty and truth of God, with the reality which no human knowledge or philosophy can ever express."
Knowing the profound importance that music has upon the liturgy and all God's people who worship with us, is what guides me in my ministry here at St. Catherine of Sweden to inspire and encourage active participation musically.
Music has always played an important role in our worship. The organ accompanies the faithful who attend our weekday masses and the organ/piano and a cantor lead the music for our Sunday celebrations. One of our parish choirs also adds to the celebration by singing or ringing at one of the weekend masses. For those special occasions throughout the Liturgical Year, brass, strings and woodwinds are used to add to the beauty and festivity of the celebration.
We are blessed to have a wonderful Allen Organ and a Wurlitzer Baby Grand Piano to accompany the assembly during our worship. The beauty of these fine instruments enhances our congregational singing, as well as listening to sacred organ literature that lifts our spirits to encounter our God.
It is my hope that these few pages will give you a better understanding of what the Music Ministry is about here at St. Catherine of Sweden and hopefully, will encourage you to be a part of this wonderful ministry.
St. Cecelia, pray for us.
God Bless!
James Skalos, Director of Music and Liturgical Ministries