Welcome to the Sts. Martha & Mary Parish Faith Formation Registration for the 2024-2025 year! Please carefully read our class and payment options below.
New for this year: 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 8th Grade are mandatory onsite for sacramental prep. New times and available!
To have your registration processed and your child's seat secured for a session, please complete the following:
1. Complete the online registration form
2. Complete your payment online or via check/cash
If you have any questions please contact Joy Kella at 724-444-1971 EXT. 119 or via email at [email protected].
Register Now.
For example, if you have 2 children, you'd pay $95. If you have 4 children, you'd pay $120.
If you are in need of payment assistance, please contact the Faith Formation Office. We have scholoarships and other financial aid available. We want to ensure that Faith Formation is accessible to everyone !
All fees collected go to classroom materials, textbooks, special events, special event materials, speakers, musicians, catechist's teaching materials, and retreat materials. We are so grateful for your generosity!
An online payment option will pop up after completing the online registration form and we also accept cash or check.
All checks can be made payable to Sts. Martha and Mary Parish.