Definition: To strengthen community and the parish experience through hospitality, personal invitation, ministry participation and relationship building.
Rationale: Inspired by our Patronesses, who welcomed Jesus into their relationships and were seen, known and loved by Him, we extend this personal invitation to others.
Their involvement will make them feel nurtured, supported, seen, known and loved in our parish family. They will then desire to share this joyful experience with others.
Goal #1 – Identify the needs of each ministry by end of 2024 and develop appropriate resources and support in order to revitalize participation and engage parishioners personally in parish life. Goal #2 – Beginning in 2024, establish strategies for personal invitation as a primary means of drawing persons to parish events, as measured by frequency of invitation in the parish survey in 2026. Progress: To foster engagement in parish life, we will:
Assist parish ministries by helping them increase awareness of their mission and attract new members. A survey will be used to help us learn more about the ministries and how to help them.
Organize workshops in 2024 where ministry team members can learn and build strategies for personal invitations to new members.
Increase support for ministries, including ministry profiles in the bulletin, ministry-sponsored Donut Sundays and ministry-sponsored Mass greeting.