We are fundraising with Sarris Candies to raise money for our organization! If you would like to help support our sale, you can go online to SarrisCandiesFundraising.com.
Need some good summer reading? Looking to learn more about your faith? Want to get closer to God? We have plenty of resources at our St. Richard location library. It will be continually updated here https://www.librarything.com/catalog/stsmmlib so you can find a book that speaks to you!
Our Sts Martha and Mary Flea Market is almost here!!! It’s time to sort through those items you have been collecting for months. But if you haven’t done your spring cleaning yet, there is still time to clean out your garage, attic, cabinets and donate clean and usable items. Donations will be collected at St Richard Church Social Hall. Donation drop-off dates start June 26, Monday through Saturday and end on Saturday July 8th. We will not be collecting on Tuesday, July 4th. Times to donate are 10 am – 4 pm, with extended hours until 6 pm on Wednesdays. The actual Flea Market is July 14, 15 and after masses on the 16th. This Flea Market is one of the parish’s largest fundraisers, and its success is dependent upon all of our parishioners. We need many volunteer hands to make this a success. For more information, please reach out to: Ellen Davis [email protected] Amy McChesney [email protected] Kristen Petcash [email protected]
Our annual Fish Fry as arrived! To order online, click here! Please note the online orders will be taken until 2pm. After 2pm, please call 412-486-6001 to place your order. Our Fish Fry will run every Friday during Lent.
It’s not too late to volunteer for the annual parish fish fry! Adult and student (grade 6 & above) volunteers are needed every Thursday to prepare food (adults only), pre-pack take-out side dishes and set up the dining room in Farmer Hall. Adult volunteers are needed on Friday afternoon to prepare food and pre-pack take-out side dishes. Adults and students are needed every Friday evening to serve dinner, welcome guests, take orders, pack take-out orders, and assist with the curbside pick-up lanes. All volunteers must pre-register and are assigned specific duties. Please return this form no later than Monday, February 13. No experience needed! Training sessions will be held on Sundays, February 12 at 1:00 pm and February 19 at 2 p.m. in Farmer Hall at St. Catherine of Sweden Church for all Friday volunteers. Please consider supporting the Fish Fry by sponsoring one of our many items or placing an ad on our placemats. Sponsor and advertising information can be found on the reverse side of the volunteer registration form. Please return sponsor and advertising information by Monday, February 13.
Navigating the Bible is a five week course presented by Gary Fristch. This is based on Dr. Edward Sri's book, The Bible Compass. It begins January 9th at 7 p.m. located in St. Richard Social Hall or Wednesdays at 9:30 am at St. Catherine in Farmer Hall. It is $10 per person.
"Did you know that October is National Book Month? The students of the North Hills Regional Catholic Elementary Schools do! They love to read! To learn more about our schools and our students, please visit us: @NorthHillsRegionalCatholicElementarySchools on Facebook for more information. Even better, give us a Like and a Follow!"
All of the lay faithful, priests, deacons, and religious of the Diocese of Pittsburgh are invited to participate in the noon Mass and Procession on Corpus Christi Sunday, June 19 at St. Paul Cathedral, 108 North Dithridge Street, Pittsburgh. Bishop David Zubik will be celebrant and homilist at the Mass, and afterwards will lead the Procession with the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of Oakland. The celebration will initiate the National Eucharistic Revival in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Young people from 2nd to 12th grade are especially encouraged to participate. First Holy Communicants are invited to wear their First Holy Communion attire. All who will attend are asked to be in the Cathedral by 11:30 AM.
In 1 Samuel, God advises the prophet Samuel not to observe as men see but as God sees. He tells him to “look to the heart.” This is the movement of this Sunday’s Gospel reading. “Beware the scribes,” Jesus advises. He points out their public greetings and “seats of honor,” which stands in sharp contrast to their private greed. For the Jewish people of Jesus’ day, honor resides at the top. Power and prestige created a high profile back then as it still does today. After his warning, Jesus turns his disciples’ attention elsewhere: a poor widow...
“Jesus was teaching in a synagogue on the sabbath.” (Luke 13:10) With these opening words, the Gospel for Monday’s daily Mass pressed home the agony and suffering of the previous Saturday. The heinous attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue must serve as a call to all Catholics to remember that our very spiritual roots stem from the Tree of Life—in more layers than I realized when I first sat down to write this letter...