In his first pastoral letter to the Church of Pittsburgh, Bishop David Zubik challenged each of us to do our part to make the Church of Pittsburgh the Church Alive!
Adult Faith Formation “is perhaps the greatest challenge we face in our Church. Because of the several generations who have not received a good understanding of the faith, the Church must look toward many innovative ways to welcome a better understanding of the Church for those who have not received such a good formation.”
As catechetical leaders we realize that so many Catholic adults today have not moved beyond the faith formation they received as young adolescents. In their pastoral statement on adult faith formation, Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, the U.S. bishops remind us of the importance of growing in faith and discipleship throughout our lives, and call each of us as members of the Church to a “renewed commitment to adult faith formation.” “Lifelong (faith) formation…must be a priority in the church’s catechetical ministry; moreover, it must be considered the chief form of catechesis.”
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